Creating a higher standard of care, with better access
The biggest challenge faced by the Healthcare IT industry is to provide high quality of patient
care in a strictly regulated environment. Healthcare providers are looking for new ways to
improve the quality of patient care and cut costs, while enhancing patient satisfaction.
This is where e-Data has immense value to offer to the healthcare providers and the healthcare
IT vendors alike.
Our state-of-the-art healthcare information management services can help hospitals and other
healthcare organizations worldwide in developing strategies and solutions that help providing
better service to their customers. At the same time, our functional and technical experts have
helped many a healthcare IT product company in conceptualization to developing and delivering
the product.
Our team has extensive experience in the healthcare areas:
Hospital Management
Clinical Practice Management
Medical Practice Management
Clinical and academic research
HIPPA Compliance solutions and services
e-Data offers a unique blend of consulting expertise, proven project methodologies, cost
effective solutions and outstanding attention to quality and customer satisfaction. This,
along with a high degree of functional expertise including specialized areas such as HIPAA
and DICOM differentiates us from the lot. Our support helps our clients ensure that their
operations maintain the necessary focus on organizational priorities without the burden of
managing a complex and unfamiliar new implementation process.
e-Data helps healthcare customers achieve results including:
Higher quality of patient care
Improved service to and higher satisfaction of customers, physicians, and suppliers
Enhanced communication and more effective collaboration between health systems, insurers, customers, and suppliers
More effective and secure health information management
Higher reliability of IT service delivery and greater adaptability and security of IT applications, systems, and networks
Accelerated revenue cycles
Reduced and predictable costs
Higher compliance with regulatory standards